About the articles
The booklet contains 11 articles. On the following pages we present some additional articles on the subject, some in English, some in Norwegian. The articles in Norwegian will later be translated into English.
Excerpt of Resource Rich Murman Coast – About the settlement process in Murman
In 1863, the tsarist authorities in Russia allowed foreigners (the majority of whom were Finns and Norwegians) to settle in Murman on condition of acquiring by the latter of the Russian nationality. In doing so, they hoped that emigrees would foster the development in those remote cold parts …
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Features of the fishing of Kola colonists and the Pomors in the 1860s
From the mouth of Grense Jakobselv River on the border with Norway, the Northern coastline of the Kola Peninsula stretches for almost 1,400 miles. It is also known as the Murmansk coast. Here the climate is conducive to settlement and each year the seas around the coast are filled …
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The emigration of Finns living on the Murman coast to northern America
In 1874 the Finnish priest Thauvon wrote an article in a Swedish-speaking newspaper, published in Helsinki: “In my previous letter I mentioned that the migration among the Finns from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to America has got hesitative dimensions. Luckily, this mania has passed, …
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Familien Øyen og Schanche
Min mors foreldre het Johan og Marie Øien og var noen av de første som utvandret fra Vardø til Russland fordi inntektene fra småbruk og fiske ikke var nok til å leve på skikkelig vis. De bosatte seg i Tsypnavolok, hvor de ved siden av et rikere fiske begynte med utveksling av varer mellom …
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Handelsmann Oscar Knudtzen i Finnbukta og hans familie
Jeg er oppvokst i Pasvikdalen. I unge år pleide jeg å sykle til Øvre Pasvik for å fiske, og da hørte en tur innom handelsmannen Sigurd Knudtzen, en kjøpmann av den gamle sorten som kjøpte alt og solgte alt. Jeg fikk høre historier om hans unge år på Murmankysten, og jeg møtte også hans …
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Scientific work on the Kola peninsula
During the period when Finland was part of the Russian empire (1809-1917) the Kola Peninsula was a popular place for scientific field work. According to a research made by the University of Lapland, there were not less than 73 scientists, who went to the Kola Peninsula during this …
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